stay calm stay home quarantine isolation

How to Stay Calm and Stay Strong during Stay Home Time in the Pandemic

How to Stay Calm during Stay At Home in the Pandemic Time?

Stay Calm, Stay Strong and Stay Home are three very important things to maintain your physical and mental health in this pandemic time. You all know that the whole world is fighting against the COVID 19 pandemic due to corona virus.

stay calm stay safe


Many people are in home isolation or self quarantine after a recent travel or due to some other situations. Lot of people are working from home for the past few weeks.

stay calm quarantine work from home
“Work from home” to Stay Safe

Stay at home and Social distancing are considered effective ways to prevent the virus spread. Such preventive actions are taken throughout world to stop further spreading of the covid 19.

stay calm stay home social distancing
“Social distancing” to Stay Safe

Staying at home for days and days may create mental stress in many people. In some people, it may even lead to depression!

stay calm stay home anxiety depression

How can one overcome this?

Here are some tips to stay calm during your stay at home period.

This video and the following pictures and information will tell you how.

Tips to Stay Calm while Stay Home

Eat Healthy

Eating healthy will boost your immune system. Remember that eating at the right time is also important.

stay calm stay safe eat healthy

Exercise Regularly

Exercise for at-least thirty minutes daily. Doing some yoga, meditation or dancing is also a good idea.

stay calm stay home exercise yoga

Good Sleep and No Smoking

Getting good sleep is necessary to keep your mind stress-free. Don’t smoke. It can increase the risk of getting seriously sick.

stay calm stay home sleepwell no smoking

Connect with Family, Friends, Community

It is normal to feel sad, confused or scared in this crisis time. The fear of getting sick or uncertainties like losing job, possible financial issues may spoil your peace of mind. Find some time to talk to friends and family members.  Or connect with your community members through social media. Such things will make you happy and confident.

stay calm talk message family friends community

Only Reliable Sources for Information

Rely only authentic sources for news and information. There is plenty of unreliable and fake information circulating in many social media channels at this time. Knowingly or unknowingly some sources exaggerate things in many occasions. Stay away from such news, which unnecessarily make you panic.

pandemic stay calm reliable information no fakenews

Books, Music, Films, TV Shows

stay calm reading music
Get your mind off the pandemic thoughts. Reading books, listening to your favorite music or watching videos, shows or movies will help to divert your mind to some good mood.

Unleash Your Creativity

This the best time to develop your in-born talents. Involving in some creative activities will help to relieve your stress and reduce negative thoughts. As per your interests you can try painting, writing, photography etc.

stay calm stay home creativity hobby

Always keep a positive mindset.

If you feel sick, seek medical care without delay.

Stay Home, Stay Safe, Stay Calm, Stay Strong !!!

If you want to know the difference between pandemic and epidemic, please watch the following video and continue reading.

What is a Pandemic?


An epidemic, as explained by the World Health Organization, is the regional outbreak of an illness that spreads unexpectedly. It refers to a sudden increase, in the number of cases of a disease in the population of an area.

An epidemic is a disease that spreads rapidly among a large number of people in a region at the same time.

pandemic map stay calm stay home

If the spread of an epidemic escalates further, an epidemic can become a pandemic, which affects an even wider geographical area. Pandemic refers to an epidemic that has spread across countries and continents. This means the worldwide spread of a disease.

In simple terms we can say that epidemic means the outbreak of a disease in a specific region that is losing control. Pandemic is worldwide. It is happening in multiple countries and it spreads very fast.

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